Details about a newly released pay what you want scenario.
Category Archives: blog
A discussion about three Pillars of Science Fiction including some known works of fiction.
Discussion on the Colonization book. Science Fiction in General and What the book contains.
Dark Stars is a system that encourages cooperation between players and GM’s to create great experiences and stories. One of the things that the focus on player agency allows in the rules is the possibility for unconventional tactics and strategies that cannot be predicted and therefore cannot be covered by specific rules. In a game […]
Rules are strange. Some people want more rules and some people want less rules. I have been thinking about this lately and it seems to me that some gamers want the game rules to be like the Constitution of the USA, that is a set if rules that limit the power of the government or […]
For 10 years we have worked on a game system and a setting to recreate the science-fiction experience we, as gamers and fans of good sci-fi crave. Originally it was not our intention to try and sell this game, it was just for our group. Now however, we are so proud of what we have […]
During the long development of Dark Stars RPG, we made some mistakes in creating our systems and our settings for Dark Stars. We had several fairly amusing little hiccups in the process and some not so funny ones. There was a lot of frustration and tears, even some wailing and gnashing of teeth. Here are […]
Dark Stars has been in development for a very long time, since early 2005. It began as a Cyberpunk 2020 campaign that I ran a year or two before that, where the players were part of a UN mission to re-establish contact with outposts on Mars in the aftermath of the 4th Corporate War. I […]